Snozzle » user profile

Member Since 11/08/2021
Last Seen 12 hours 11 min
Location Auckland

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Do you know if you need to print out a physical copy? Or can just show them the image on the phone etc?
12/04/2024 - 08:25
yeah, they don't actively market it as QD-OLED for some reason, but if you look up some detailed reviews online they will explain more…
26/01/2023 - 09:17
Should be Samsung, not Panasonic. Also if you're considering an OLED, I'd say it's really only worth considering the QD-OLED panels, as…
26/01/2023 - 08:25
Snozzle joined ChoiceCheapies.
Welcome aboard!
11/08/2021 - 08:06